Abattoir has been around in this form since about
1998, all records before that have been locked away
deep in the bowls of the Abattoir networks; you'll
need a court order to see the "1992 Season
(How to ride an elevator, the trilogy) Triple DVD"...
If you enjoy reading the Abattoir and would like
to know more about us, feel free to delve deep into
the past seasons and explore the birth of LAN Central
and all the happenings around the Abattoir (...some
good, some great, some not worth reading about,
but bandwidth's cheap...) Welcome to the Archives,
let's pick a season:
...we are
continuing to port the Abattoir.Net LAN Minutes
The Achives started back in 1998, please check back
soon as we add seasons from the past!
"If you're new to Abattoir.Net and want to get to know what
we're all about, sit back with a cup of joe or a brew and cruise
through the ramblings of the past"
images, content, site design and maintenance by Craig (MeatMan) Milton
- All Rights® "Bringing people together... so you can blow them